UCS (Uniform Cleaning System)Â
Clubhouse products are an advancement in chemical technology that represents several years of research and development in Major and Minor League clubhouses.
1st Base = Consulting: In 2005 we were approached to develop a system that was capable of removing red clay stains, ground-in grass, and odor.
2nd Base = Industry Experts: The practices we observed were, pre-spray the heavy soiled uniforms with multiple products ranging from store bought to commercial strength, scrub the fabric with bone scrapers, wire brushes, etc and long extended soaks.
3rd Base = Solutions: Our goal was to change the status-quo of the laundry environment. We knew that we could provide a better solution to getting the uniforms clean, and be easily transferable to traveling staff during Spring Training. Working with several teams allowed us the opportunity to perfect each formula to meet their goals.
Home Plate = Deliver Results: Today, our products have expanded from MLB to Colleges, Universities, High Schools and Travel Teams across the US. Clubhouse brand is a collection of the best restoration, stain removing and preservation products on the market today. *Continual use of Clubhouse brand products preserve the fabrics integrity where other cleaners and stain treatments lessen the uniforms shelf life.Â